I can definitely say that United First Financial has come a long way over the last couple of years.
Our founders and leaders of this company must never rest. They are constantly at the drawling board just thinking up ways of how we can better serve our new and existing clients that are using the Money Merge Account Program.
U1st has just recently announced that we are now able to finance the Money Merge Account Program. Yes the program is still an investment of $3,500, but in exchange it will often times save a home owner ten's of thousands of dollars in interest! Our average client almost always re coupes their investment within 2-6 months. Have you ever had an investment pay off that fast and start yielding? I will try not to digress to much though. What I wanted to talk about was: United First Financial is no longer leaving clients behind that do not have the funds to get started with the program. We are now able to activate clients with as little as $250 down and a payment of $95 a month. The program will actually attack this debt first so that the client will have a feeling of accomplishment in the very beginning...